Lady Chainsaw aka Kat Roivas, arrested at Unist’ot’en Camp gets out of jail

Other nick names include Kat Raven Roivas was arrested with 6 others at the Unist’ot’en camp on Monday, February 10th 2020. Maybe I am getting old or growing senile but for the life of me I never recall growing up and calling someone like that a lady, woman maybe but Read More

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People who say stupid things like “Give us back our land” by Wun Feather

Editors Note: No we did not make this one up, it was really found online in the Castanet News in the Okanagan’s Discussion Forums by a man who uses the username of Wun Feather. To the best of our knowledge he is a legitimate member of a First Nations Band. Read More

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Introducing Gulaxkan (The Bear That Sleeps All Winter Long) also known as Rita George

The world needs to know, the world needs to hear, the world needs to listen what this 80 year old matriarch has to say. Listen to what she said about Molly Wickham without mentioning her name, listen to what she said about the Office of Wet’suwet’en without mentioning their name, Read More

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Fake Chiefs – Duped and Gullible Press – Supreme Court Evidence

Editors Notes; The quotes I used from Delgamuukw are in dark red, the quotes I used from Coastal GasLink Pipeline Ltd. v. Huson are in dark green. Credits, thanks to the many people who shared their research with me to make this presentation. The problem with the press is they Read More

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Respecting your right to protest, however

Editors Note; We also found this one on Facebook and were given permission to publish. Thanks Brendon for your valuable contribution, your a great neighbor who shares our concerns. Brendon Grant February 17 at 7:10 PM · I grew up in the Haisla community near Kitimat, BC. It’s in Northern Read More

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Unist’ot’en hoodlums arrested - their own footage.

Defiant, almost hysterical Freda Huson lays the foundation for a master plan GoFundMe and sets herself up to appear like the Victim Cult. For the most part I don’t need to say much, its very self explanatory, its also unedited by myself and it was intended to be a propaganda Read More

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Office Chiefs PR Stunt is not going to heal the Wet’suwet’en Nation

The following in black print is a collaborated effort of Chief Na’moks (John Risdale) in conjunction with the Globe and Mail, to make it appear as if he is doing his best to reconcile differences in the nation. To share our perspective of what is being said, we will post Read More

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Law without Consequence

  This article is more of an information bulletin than an article as we cover a number of topics. I am sure many of you are also frustrated at the lack of support shown by the leadership ranging from local mayors, to our MLA’s and our local MP’s with one Read More

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Gofundme a River - Proceeds of crime - Domestic Terrorism

Proceeds of crime is the term given to money or assets gained by criminals during the course of their criminal activity. Considering that the activities of the Wet’suwet’en blockaders are illegal, the question is, is the money they raise during those activities considered proceeds of crime? Likewise when you cause Read More

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Bands Authority vs. Hereditary Chiefs Authority regarding Land Claims

One of the first arguments we keep seeing in both social media and the press is those who support the chiefs making the erroneous claim that only the Hereditary Chiefs have the authority to negotiate land claims. It appears that they think the more they say it the more it Read More

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The truth about the arrest of Carmen Nikal

UPDATED: 02/04/2020 No long explanation needed, just read the story on the Interior News here. Carmen Nikal was arrested following refusal to provide identification to RCMP at the checkpoint. Here is their own footage, telling their side of the story, but better yet, for the most part shows our RCMP Read More

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Dr. David Bowering - Long time anti pipeline objector makes an appearance.

In the 90’s Bowering was named to the combined position as administrator and medical health officer and continued a public health career through several more reorganizations. Let me quote from the Terrace Standard Dec 13th 2013. “Bowering has no immediate retirement plans but does say he has an interest in Read More

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Sabina Dennis is back, as loud as ever.

  Recall the screaming woman at last years police raid on the illegal blockade set up by Molly Wickham, well she is back, she is not Wet’suwet’en but simply loves being a shit disturber against our RCMP. I won’t make this a long article, it pretty much is self explanatory, Read More

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Adam Gagnon fakes a second eviction.

This footage is actually McElhanney surveyors doing work for CGL in the area of the 27 Km camp near the RCMP detachment on the Morice River Forest Service Road. Adam has not been seen in the Morice River camp (Hooligans Hotel) since he left it in early January,   Adam has Read More

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Introducing “Smogelgem” of the Sun House

One of the tragedies that befall aboriginals is when greed driven corruption finds the need to create a fiction history of a nation to cover the theft of a genealogy where birthright has monetary value. Such is the case for the Wet’suwet’en clan of the Sun House. Such is the Read More

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