Below is a list of the best articles online in regards to those who want to learn more about HST, this list is updated daily and justifies why British Columbia said no so loud it resulted in the Liberal switch and bait game from Gordon Campbell.
The switch was to be able to bait the public into changing their minds.
If you see any good articles I missed, please use the comments section to add them or any other comments you may have concerning HST.
Due to the high value of watching these videos, and sharing them with as many people as you can we are moving videos to the top. I appears that they are not posting any more oh the HST debates, so looks like the one in Dawson Creek is the one that will be most shared in British Columbia.
I would highly recommend you watch the live debates, all of them if you can, they will really help you in talking to others about this critical issue.
NOTE: We stopped doing updates as we feel there is more than enough material here for everyone to use. Almost all new articles are repetitive information, we hope you have been able to make use of this collection.
Now just Vote, get at least 3 other people to vote, and if we all do that it will be an easy win, but only if you all actually VOTE.
The official HST contract between British Columbia and the federal Government
YouTube - Fight-HST Promotional Video (new)
HST Debate in Dawson Creek - May 24, 2011
HST Debate in Prince George - May 26, 2011
HST Debate in Kamloops - May 27, 2011
HST Debate in Kelowna - May 28, 2011
HST Debate in Cranbrook - May 31, 2011
HST Debate in Surrey - June 2, 2011 This one is by far the funniest of all Debates, worth watching indeed.
HST Debate in Abbotsford - June 3, 2011
HST Forum from UBC in Vancouver June 4th 2011
In The News
Premier Clark plays politics of the fearful
Senior digging in heels against HST
Burnaby-Lougheed MLA’s office to be site of anti-HST conference
Complaint charges pro-HST ads ‘false, deceitful’
Crusaders continue to rail against the HST
Extra costs created by the HST are clear
B.C.’s tax scheme is adding to the gap between rich and poor
HST referendum full of mystery
News1130 HST Quiz - Answers - News1130
The HST and the politics of fear - The Globe and Mail
The Tyee – Secrets of the HST Referendum
Vernon Morning Star - HST referendum
HST: How dumb do they think we are?
Voting against HST a matter of principle
Vote call should have frozen HST rebate
Vernon Morning Star - Anti-HST rally hits streets of Vernon
The HST will not help businesses create jobs
Reliance on sales tax hurts us all
NDP Says Big Business Spewing False Propaganda In HST Ads | Link Newspaper
Province’s approach to HST question still one of deceit | The Boundary Sentinel
Laws and taxes killing local pubs
HST shifts burden off rich, onto rest
CTV British Columbia - Poor pay higher tax rate than rich in B.C.: study - CTV News A must see article and video.
Ashcroft Cache Creek Journal - HST hurts everyday people
The Tyee – Battle of the Stickmen over HST Tax
Vernon Morning Star - HST spells higher prices for cycling sales
Shame on you, Mr. Harper, shame… | I’m Laila Yuile, And This Is How I See It
Scare tactics to come in B.C. government’s push for HST
HST is good for business, but at whose expense? | Vancouver, Canada |
Exactly who’s fooling whom over the HST?
CTV British Columbia - Does the HST cost you more or less? - CTV News
The Facts on the HST | Vote YES
Restaurant owners claim the HST is hurting business
HST factions spin their versions of the ‘truth’
Fight HST gets hundreds of highway signs up
Chris Delaney: The politics of HST economics | Vancouver, Canada | - HST OP-ED: Consumers hurt by extra taxes
Adrian Dix set to make the choice for voters clear by distinguishing NDP from Liberals
Why doesn’t U.S. dollar parity and HST lower prices?
Terrace Standard - HST fiasco is a warning to all politicians
Seniors weigh pros and cons of HST
Objective HST information not so objective
No more ‘zeros,’ vows B.C. public sector union president
Much to question as Victoria gets crafty in bid to sell HST
Libs not the first to play with tax
HST forces ‘little guys’ to bail out B.C. business
HST battle will be down to the wire
HST ads go from a little persuasion to a lot - Public Eye Online
HST: Accountants sell tax with voodoo economics
Get rid of the Liberals along with the HST
Clark’s HST vote overshadowed by Canucks
Clark continues Campbell’s HST deception - Business community split on HST
24 Hours: HST referendum meant to confuse
Independent MLA protests misleading voters guide. - View from the Ledge
The Tyee – HST Vote Is About Your Money
Seniors weigh pros and cons of HST
Premier Clark misdirects blame for ‘confusing’ HST question :: The Hook
HST forces ‘little guys’ to bail out B.C. business - Pitt Meadows takes down anti-HST signs
Anti-HST campaign violated city bylaw - Simply a bad tax - Keeping HST means living with it forever
B.C.’s HST stickmen – from information to persuasion - The Globe and Mail
Liberals are misleading us with 10 per cent HST claim
New and increased taxes are taking their toll - Tillsonburg News - Ontario, CA
HST spins past bad deal for small business
HST rewards multinational control over Canada
Government facing uphill HST battle
CTV British Columbia - Yes means no; HST referendum confusion could change outcome - CTV News
Consider who’s promoting the harmonized sales tax - Public Eye Online
Black: vote ‘yes’ to get rid of HST
BC Liberals HST History |
B.C. HST ‘fix’ not enough to save tax in referendum: poll - The Globe and Mail
Liberal Tactics: Bamboozle and Bore HST Voters
HST will hand over our province’s destiny
Anti-HST crusaders want to make referendum clear
Pro-HST ‘spin’ from business leaders
HST numbers | Letters | Cranbrook Daily Townsman, Cranbrook, BC
Dix focuses on families at anti-HST launch
No closure for hypocrisy in choking off debate
B.C. government risks backlash from HST ads
BC Liberals, NDP hit the road for HST campaign - The Globe and Mail - Democracy finally getting a wake-up call - Send a message by voting against HST
Dix would wait for election to detail return to PST | Local News | Merritt News, Merritt, BC
How will you vote on the HST? Our MLA will vote to scrap it… | Revelstoke Current
NDP Accuses Christy Clark Liberals Of Continuing Pattern Of Deceit On HST | Link Newspaper
No closure for hypocrisy in choking off debate
The Straight Goods: What If the BC Liberals Win the HST Referendum?
Clark’s changes won’t change HST vote
David Schreck on Politics in BC
Dix Says BC Liberals Running And Hiding From Debate Comments Feed
HST debate takes different tacks in Ontario and B.C. | Canada Politics - Yahoo! News
HST, smart meters will determine future of democracy | Editorial | Merritt News, Merritt, BC
Kudos to the anti-HST warrior | Editorial | Squamish Chief, Squamish, BC
NDP Accuses Christy Clark Liberals Of Continuing Pattern Of Deceit On HST | Link Newspaper
NDP to launch anti-HST campaign next week - Public Eye Online
Clerk’s appointment a telling sign
Renovations are up, but HST dampens Ontario market
B.C. Liberals Try to Bribe Electorate into Voting For HST | Canadian Lemon
B.C.’s HST is difficult to understand and defend - Don’t let politicians off the hook on HST - Taxpayers in the dark on HST questions - Trust issues with BC Liberals eclipse merits of HST
Christy’s HST ‘fix’: Politics trumps good policy |
Corporate Income Tax You need to see this, it will happen in BC too.
HST: The BIGGEST Lie | Keeping it Real…
Northern Insights / Perceptivity: Planks in their own eyes
Proposed HST changes please some, not others - Columbia Valley Pioneer
RoadKill Radio » The Great HST War Update!
The Straight Goods: BC Legislature, House of Horrors
The Straight Goods: What If the BC Liberals Win the HST Referendum?
B.C. unconvinced by Clark’s HST changes - The Globe and Mail - Debate limited during HST public forums - FOULDS: Curiously, the Conservatives have escaped anti-HST wrath
Is our government bribing the taxpayers? |
Michael Sather Discusses Ongoing HST Debacle, May 30, 2011 | Michael Sather
No HST questions lobbed at Clark at legislature
Readers respond to Victoria’s changes to the HST
Bruce Ralston on the New and Improved HST |
Irresponsible! | Talk Digital Network - Desperate, expensive gamble to save HST
Does Clark need a $175 rebate?
E-Street: How do you feel about Premier Christy Clark’s HST “fix”?
Gabriel Yiu: The bankrupt promises of the B.C. Liberals’ HST | Vancouver, Canada |
HST campaign rolls into the Okanagan
HST changes offer crumbs to voters
HST cuts take too long for this senior couple
If only we could trust them on the HST
LETTER: HST hits when you least expect it | The Boundary Sentinel
Ready, aim, fire: Sparks to fly in Dix-Clark showdown
Terrace Standard - MLA doubts fix will help tax plan
The Northern View - City food industry not convinced by HST changes
Top of Mind - May 30, 2011 - Public Eye Online - Singing the HST blues - HST debate gets ugly
Clark’s HST “solution”: We’ll Return Less Than Half of What We’ve Stolen From You | Keeping it Real…
Fake neutrality: Selling the HST | The Real Story (This one is very good)
HST rebates ‘probably illegal,’ Vander Zalm tells TRU forum | City & Region | Kamloops Daily News
Leyne column: Zalm’s wacky campaign rolls on
Paul Willcocks: HST salvage bid leaves big budget questions
Record shows Liberals can’t be trusted on tax
The Straight Goods: HST Jobs Cost BCer`s $600,000.00 each
VernonBlog: Anti HST Town Hall Meeting
Why I’m voting against keeping the HST. | Resolving Timeline Issues
WRITER EAGER FOR END OF HST | Osoyoos Times - Straw men and the HST
Blog nuggets: Christy Clark steals three bad ideas to ‘save’ the HST | Full Comment | National Post
Editorial: Clark’s HST ‘rebalance’ has stench of politics
HST fix promoted using taxpayer-funded info campaign - Public Eye Online (watch this video, because in the next election his own words here can be used to hang Kevin Falcon.
HST gets trimmed, voters get cheques Fight HST camp claims the province’s move to reduce the harmonized sales tax is an admission of failure.
Penticton Western News - HST reduction fails to sway opponents
People with disabilities left out of revised HST
Poll shows women more opposed to B.C.’s HST than men
Residents hear anti side to HST |
The HST: Just vote with your feet and move to Medicine Hat - The Globe and Mail
The Tyee – Clark’s HST Plan Could Crumple Her Credibility
The Smart Tax Alliance. Non-Partisan? Really? | CCPA Policy Note (A must read article if you want to know who is fighting the Liberals Pro-HST campaign.
Tax changes add fuel to looming election fire
Paying attention: Desperate, expensive gamble to save HST
NDP sees cut as desperate attempt to buy votes for botched initiative
Dump HST for damage it will do to the majority
The Tyee – Problems with BC Business Council’s Pro-HST Study
The Tyee – Biggest Tax Shift in BC History: Why Did Campbell Do It?
The HST: should it stay or should it go now?
HST Panel Report Full of Errors (The second article on this page)
Issues: Anti HST Tax Represents The Biggest Tax Shift In BC History | Abbotsford Today
Why Manitoba Rejected HST (PDF by the government of Manitoba)
The Truth about HST (PDF) - Pro-HST arguments tax patience
Anti-HST Kamloops - (CFJC News)
Rebuttal to the “Letter to Bill Vander Zalm” video by a UBC Student (note this one proves the video made by the UBC student is a con job)
Dump HST for damage it will do to the majority
HST Tax Shift Founded on One Flawed Study
Why I’m voting against the HST
B.C. to spend $5 million on HST advertising campaign - In Your Corner: Communities will put end to HST
Palmer: Clark’s HST ‘fix’ better be good
Abolishing HST is your chance to say “enough” | Muskeg News
The Straight Goods: HST Shell Game Continues! UPDATED March/10
HST: Business Gets It Up Front; Consumers Get It in the End | Keeping it Real…
How Bad is The Record: Christy Thinks She Can Solve The HST Mess
David Schreck on Politics in BC
Keeping it Real… » HST: So Where ARE Those Lower Prices? Comments Feed
Liberals Lying Again on HST Restaurant Meals | - British Columbians are not going to be fooled
Some tips to help keep restaurants open
Liberals pile on fees then top them off with the HST
Premier’s HST pledge an ‘act of desperation’ | City & Region | Kamloops Daily News
Why I’m voting against the HST
Guest column: Christy Clark simply needs to cut the HST - British Columbians are not going to be fooled - Is the HST illegal?
The Tyee – Another $5 Million for HST Ad Campaign
HST has been vastly oversold in B.C., report finds - The Globe and Mail
BC Liberals Want BC Poor & Stupid | Diane Babcock
Anti-HST petition tops 300,000 signatures | Say No To HST In British Columbia
Abolishing HST is your chance to say “enough” | Muskeg News
Why I’m voting against the HST
Premier eyes projected windfall for political purposes
Older Videos
HST Town Hall - Burnaby Edmonds 1
HST Town Hall - Burnaby Edmonds 2
HST Town Hall - Burnaby Edmonds 3
JLS ……For What It’s Worth
If you want to get rid of the 12% HST, One needs to vote YES to the government question. VOte YES extinguish the HST. Do not hurt the elderly, those on fixed incomes and those who can afford to pay any extra to the bureacratic thiefs.
OOPs it is “cannot afford”